Assistance with meal preparation

Promoting Independence, Dignity, and Well-Being in Our Senior Community

At Nurtured Care and Support, we believe that a healthy diet is key to a healthy life. Our support workers are able to prepare food in accordance with the participant’s dietary needs and preference. The support workers also involve and teach meal preparation skills to the participants in order to promote independence in meal preparation for the participants. The support workers always provide supervision to the participants in the process which allows them to become independent but also ensures their safety in the process.

Personalized Support
Safety and Fall Prevention
Companionship and Emotional Support
Medication Management
Nutrition and Meal Planning
Assistance with Activities of Daily Living

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our customized plans ensures you receive the individualized attention.

Professional Nurse

Highly trained & highest quality of care tailored to your specific needs.

Low Cost Service

Our budget-friendly options ensures you can access the care you need.

Our Approach

Compassionate Care Tailored to You

We pride ourselves on our client-centered approach to home health care. Our team is committed to providing compassionate, high-quality services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual we serve.

Personalized Care Planning

Our interdisciplinary team works closely with clients and their families to ensure that their care plan is comprehensive, effective, and aligned with their values and priorities.

Client-Centered Approach

Our client-centered approach is grounded in the belief that clients should be actively involved in their care decisions. We empower our clients to voice their preferences, make informed choices, and take an active role in their healthcare journey

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to continuously monitoring and improving the quality of care we provide to our clients.

Open Communication and Collaboration

We understand the importance of communication and collaboration in achieving positive outcomes for our clients. That’s why we prioritize open communication and collaboration with clients, families, and other healthcare providers.

Connect with us

Health is wealth, let us help you

Our dedicated team is here to guide you on your wellness journey, offering personalized care and support tailored to your unique needs

Contact Us

Here’s how you can contact us for any questions or concerns.

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